Natomas Charter School will begin the school year in a distance learning format for all students. Please see more information at v2ray协议小中转机场推荐:Electry - 夜绫千裕:2021-6-13 · 该机场建立时间不长,是纯v2ray的,节点用的都是vmess协议。线路数量不多,但是质量还不错。有港台新加坡的IEPL专线,也有美日的CN2。(我比较想要俄罗斯节点,现在steam中国版说不定什么时候就冒出来,你看G胖像是那种能给两周时间无条件转出的人
Click here for the most up-to-date information and resources.
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Applications are now available for 20-21 for PACT homeschooling as well as our hybrid Project X program. Visit our Admissions page for more information.
Considering homeschooling for the 2025-2021 school year but need more information? Here is an overview of educational options available to you and where our program fits in!
Our amazing new facility is complete and we can't wait to share it with you!
The mission of Natomas Charter School's PACT Academy is to provide quality education for children in partnership with the home and community by assisting and helping parents in their effort to maximize the lifelong learning potential of their children.
NCS PACT Academy specializes in helping parents develop a individualized and fully differentiated education for their children. We have teachers specifically trained and experienced in working with gifted and talented students, students with special needs, gifted, twice-exceptional students and all kinds of kids who benefit from a, experiential, hands-on or non-traditional approach to learning. Our unique model brings students and families to our school site for workshops, parent support, meetings and a huge variety of activities.
We serve homeschooling families in grades kindergarten through 8th grade who reside in Sacramento, Placer, Yolo, Amador, El Dorado, San Joaquin, Sutter and Solano counties.